About us
The world is now facing a crisis.
Climate change is causing extreme weather events and disasters to occur frequently around the world.
Climate science predicts an increase in typhoons, torrential rains,
extreme heat, rising sea levels, and other threats.
The earth is no longer the same as it was in the past.
Society is under pressure to change.
We have started the first venture company in Japan
specializing in climate science to reduce the number of people hurt by climate change.
We are Japan's first venture company specializing in climate science.
Our vision is
creating a "world where the Earth and human society exists in harmony"
through cutting-edge science and technology.

CEO, Founder Yuki Kita
He received Ph.D in Environmental Studies from the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, University of Tokyo in 2020, and joined MS&AD InterRisk Research & Consulting, Inc.
He worked on natural disaster risk analysis for insurance underwriting and development of disaster information systems.
In 2021, he started researching climate change and flood risk in the Global Hydrology Research Group at the Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo.
He founded Gaia Vision, the only climate science startup in Japan in September 2021.

Co-founde Satoru Demoto
He received his M.S. degree from the Center for Climate System Research, Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, University of Tokyo, where he conducted research on climate change.
After engaging in AI and robotics-related strategic consulting at PwC Consulting LLC and Arthur D. Little Japan Inc., he was engaged in management, strategic planning, and business development of AI and neurotech-related businesses as Chief Strategy Office at Araya inc. Formerly the youngest certified weather forecaster.

Technical Advisor Dai Yamazaki
He specializes in global terrestrial water dynamics. He is the developer of CaMa-Flood, a global river flood model, and MERIT DEM/Hydro, the world's most accurate topographic data, and conducts world-leading research in climate change prediction and flood risk assessment.
He is an associate professor at the Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo, he received his PhD in Engineering from the University of Tokyo in 2012.
After working as a Research Fellow in the Department of Geographical Sciences at the University of Bristol (JSPS) and as a Research Fellow in the Department of Integrated Climate Change Prediction Research for Oceanic Research and Development Climate, he has been conducting research and teaching at the Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo since 2017.

Advisor Jun Kamo
・Founder and CEO of CMO Worldwide Inc.
・Founder and CEO, Association of CDO Club Japan
・BSc (Information Science), The University of Tokyo; Master of Computer Science (specialized in AI), The University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign
Joined Dentsu Inc. (now Dentsu Aegis Network ) - established Digital Communications Lab at Dentsu USA, Chief Strategist
After leaving Dentsu
・Founded Harmonic Communications Inc., Vice President of Asia Pacific region,President of Japan branch (1999-2003)
・Turnaround Management Director, Columbia Entertainment Inc. (2002-2004)
・Director of strategic division of PwC Consulting(2004-2007) - established Marketing Excellence Group ・NPO, Business for Social Responsibility(BSR), Senior advisor (2009~2014) ・MBA lecturer of Saint Paul‘s University (marketing/CSR/branding) (2010~2013)